Art and Photo Tools: Odds and Ends
Over the past few years, I have found and explored a number of web sites, software tools, and other products while learning and enjoying myself as I dabbled in the arts. What follows is a short list of selected links that I figured I’d share with other fellow amateurs and hobbyists interested in painting and photography . None of these are ‘earth shaking’ links – but you might want to check them out anyway. Top 5 Free, Best & Fast Tools to Colorize Black and White Photos Google Search: Tools for Inserting a Different Face into Paintings or Photos Picture to People: Free Online Editor for Photos and Paintings Google Search: Converting Pictures into a Wide Variety of Art Styles Sites for Selling Your Artworks Online ArtPal.Com – My Personal Favorite Site for Selling Artworks Online The 30 Best Free Painting Tutorials Online For Beginner Artists Selected Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Tools for Artists Artist Share Their Favorite Odd Tool...